Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Top Funny Commercials Collection

"Don't judge too quickly. We won't" is a motto of Ameriquest, American Mortgage Company. Here's a collection of top funny ads. Enjoy the funniest moment of the ads.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Super Hands - The Man That Fries Chicken With His Hands

Kann Trichan, a man from Chiang Mai, Thailand is a man with super hands. He can fry chicken with his hand without any cooking utensils. He's not hurt when he dip his hands into the hot oil of frying pan. He also got the Guiness World Record for picking 20 pieces of fried chicken out of 480c boiling fat in 1 minute.. He sells fried chicken during the day and his business seems so well. People come around the world to see his wonderful hands.

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